Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Our Kind of Crazy


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Last day of November


Windy and chilly with a little bit of snow on the ground


“I’m not going down without a ~ FIGHT ~ one spoon at a time


What a day it's been!

Here's just a little part of it...

One daughter slipped on the ice right next to her car... twisted her ankle and bruised her arm and her back as she fell into the car door. She & her sister were heading out for their appointments with their chiropractor.

After the chiropractor visit, her twin had a panic attack while driving... SO THANKFUL for cars with bluetooth connections to cell phones!!! She was able to call me and I was able to talk her into the nearest parking lot and park the car while we worked through the steps to calm her enough to drive to my place.

Once they arrived at my place I got one some arnica, and a bed full of pillows to rest; and left with the other to help resolve the issue that triggered the panic attack. We got most of that resolved, but would have to wait on the finale. That came only an hour later, so all is well with that, for now.

Things will get better.

One day it will be a funny story for her. One day.

For now, not so much.

But I can share it here with you.

She worked a 1-day temp job for a nearby construction office last week. When finished she was to deposit a large padded envelope with the key to the building in it into their mailbox. The office is in a rural area with a few other similar commercial buildings nearby. Many of the mailboxes aren't that clearly marked and she put it the one that seemed closest. It is a locked mailbox, so once something is put into the slot it can only be taken out by someone with a key to that mailbox. Today the temp agency called her because the construction company called them to ask about the key since it was not in their mailbox as expected.

So she & I retraced her steps and began checking with the other businesses that had buildings nearby. She found someone who had received the envelope in their mail who told her it was then given to the mail-lady since it didn't seem to be anything for them. That person was going to talk to the mail-lady when she stopped by today. 

We then went over to the construction company and she explained it all, adding that either the person at the other company or the mail-lady would be in touch soon with the key. Within the hour the mail-lady came around with her daily delivery of mail for all these little companies. Hearing the story from the first business (where the key was mistakenly in their mailbox), the mail-lady informed her she still had that padded envelope in her truck & was happy to know where it should go & would take it there directly. Before long the temp agency was calling my daughter to let her know the key was back where it belonged and everyone was happy and all were finding the humor in the process. It wasn't the first time someone got confused with the mailboxes there, and it won't be the last. LOL

It's still not so funny for my daughter, but someday, maybe, she will. 😉

For many years now I’ve had a great circle of people that share similar aspects of this type of life!

Life is all about finding people who are your Kind of Crazy!


As the day ended we realized the daughter that fell must have fallen hard enough to shake up her brain. She’s showing signs of a mild concussion now. She has had several in the past, so we’re very familiar with it.

What a life we’ve had! This one is not my only child with a history of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). When they are little we believe these sorts of things will be gone once they’ve grown up. For those of you with ‘littles’ now, sorry to burst that bubble! Learn early to roll with the punches and look for the best in everything!


See you soon!

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