Monday, July 19, 2010

A WEEK! 1 of 52

Well, I've made it through the first week of my 52-week challenge/goals! :)

It has been a rough week too, in so many ways.  But I tried to stay focused as much as possible.  I did at least manage some time every single day to consider my goals, to think on what I was able to do to meet them that day, and to give myself a little pep talk every day.

For the weight loss goal - the goal for one week was to lose 2 pounds, working toward a one year goal of losing 100 pounds.  I DID IT!  I lost those 2 pounds! But I did better than that, I exceeded my goal by 1.7 pounds, losing a total for the week of 3.7 pounds!!!  WOO HOO!!!

For the business goal - the goal for one week was to enroll two new customers, shooting for 8 for the whole month.  I did not meet that goal. :(  I'm close, but at the end of Sunday night I still had no new customers for the week.  :(  Could I have done more to achieve that goal?  Many times I think, "YES!" but when I really look back at this week in total honesty I have to say, "NO!"  Given all the circumstances of the week I did all my earthly best to set appointments and to help those who, after seeing & hearing the great presentation, were wanting to be my customers get to the point of completing all the necessary steps.  So, I will just keep the mini-goal for this coming week at 2 new customers again.

I hadn't really thought about this before now but my business goal and my weight loss goal have at least one similarity, besides being mine; the number 2!  Two has been a favorite number of mine for a long, long time!  I like things in twos - it's balanced, even, symmetrical!  I was born at 2:22 pm on the 20th day of the month. 

My weight loss goal is 100 pounds lost in a year which breaks down to average almost 2 pounds per week.  
My business goal wasn't exactly stated like that, like 100 customers added in a year; but if I want to meet the goal of being a senior director in six months then the rate of 2 customers per week would be a good rate to be able to achieve that goal.

So that's how I'm going to see each week for the next 51 weeks - or until the goals are met! :)
2 pounds of weight to lose each week!
2 new customers in my business to gain each week!

It's going to be a great week!!!

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