Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 5 ~ Needs vs Wants

The phones were finally working - around 6pm tonight!  :~/

Using only my cell for the last 36 or so hours really tested the battery power in it.  I had to put it on the charger 3 times just to keep it going!

We've had numerous problems around here too... which kicked in my research tools.  What do you do with a kid diagnosed with ADHD and ODD and possibly OCD (tho right now more docs are leaning to just the ODD getting worse) who is only 8 years old and is behaving in ways that alienate her peers as well as many others.  She has no fear - no fear of falling off rooftops or cliffs, no fear of displeasing mom or other authorities, no fear of anything that could reasonably cause her harm or harm others.  There are so many aspects to her "issues" that it's a challenge finding what will help!

Some of what I've found:
Kiddie QR and Life Matters for ways to deal with stress, especially in parenting!
Choose Your Way is another good site for dealing with stress.

The sad thing about this is that the things that seem to be most helpful are things we have to pay for out-of-pocket, which means we need money that we just don't have right now!  :(  I am so tired of struggling to not just makes ends meet (as that rarely happens) but just to make enough to handle everyone's needs!  I'm not talking wants here!  You may want an MP3 Player but you need a basic radio so you have something to keep current on the weather when the power's out.  You may want Skechers Shape-Ups but you need a basic pair of running shoes.  You may want top quality, organic, whole foods but you need basic, simple produce.  

Seems like everything in my life is like that... just struggling to meet basic needs and never getting close to getting what I really want!  I'm working at changing that, but something is still missing, something is still keeping me stuck at "basic" level.

Maybe someday!

Life Matters

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