I have found another website to tell you about! This site helps kids (and their parents) learn all about being eco-friendly in lots of different ways. :)
It's called Green Planet 4 Kids or EcoFamilyOnline and even I'm learning some neat little tips to start using. :)
Take some time soon to visit and learn a little yourself!
This is the saga of my quest for a healthier life. For 15 years I shared much of this journey on SparkPeople. NOW it's time to bring all of it here! From all things safe & healthy to all the particulars in a life FULL of allergies, chronic ailments, and all sorts of other special needs ~ it's now here!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Green Planet
going green,
green planet,
Monday, July 19, 2010
A WEEK! 1 of 52
Well, I've made it through the first week of my 52-week challenge/goals! :)
It has been a rough week too, in so many ways. But I tried to stay focused as much as possible. I did at least manage some time every single day to consider my goals, to think on what I was able to do to meet them that day, and to give myself a little pep talk every day.
For the weight loss goal - the goal for one week was to lose 2 pounds, working toward a one year goal of losing 100 pounds. I DID IT! I lost those 2 pounds! But I did better than that, I exceeded my goal by 1.7 pounds, losing a total for the week of 3.7 pounds!!! WOO HOO!!!
For the business goal - the goal for one week was to enroll two new customers, shooting for 8 for the whole month. I did not meet that goal. :( I'm close, but at the end of Sunday night I still had no new customers for the week. :( Could I have done more to achieve that goal? Many times I think, "YES!" but when I really look back at this week in total honesty I have to say, "NO!" Given all the circumstances of the week I did all my earthly best to set appointments and to help those who, after seeing & hearing the great presentation, were wanting to be my customers get to the point of completing all the necessary steps. So, I will just keep the mini-goal for this coming week at 2 new customers again.
I hadn't really thought about this before now but my business goal and my weight loss goal have at least one similarity, besides being mine; the number 2! Two has been a favorite number of mine for a long, long time! I like things in twos - it's balanced, even, symmetrical! I was born at 2:22 pm on the 20th day of the month.
My weight loss goal is 100 pounds lost in a year which breaks down to average almost 2 pounds per week.
My business goal wasn't exactly stated like that, like 100 customers added in a year; but if I want to meet the goal of being a senior director in six months then the rate of 2 customers per week would be a good rate to be able to achieve that goal.
So that's how I'm going to see each week for the next 51 weeks - or until the goals are met! :)
2 pounds of weight to lose each week!
2 new customers in my business to gain each week!
It's going to be a great week!!!
It has been a rough week too, in so many ways. But I tried to stay focused as much as possible. I did at least manage some time every single day to consider my goals, to think on what I was able to do to meet them that day, and to give myself a little pep talk every day.
For the weight loss goal - the goal for one week was to lose 2 pounds, working toward a one year goal of losing 100 pounds. I DID IT! I lost those 2 pounds! But I did better than that, I exceeded my goal by 1.7 pounds, losing a total for the week of 3.7 pounds!!! WOO HOO!!!
For the business goal - the goal for one week was to enroll two new customers, shooting for 8 for the whole month. I did not meet that goal. :( I'm close, but at the end of Sunday night I still had no new customers for the week. :( Could I have done more to achieve that goal? Many times I think, "YES!" but when I really look back at this week in total honesty I have to say, "NO!" Given all the circumstances of the week I did all my earthly best to set appointments and to help those who, after seeing & hearing the great presentation, were wanting to be my customers get to the point of completing all the necessary steps. So, I will just keep the mini-goal for this coming week at 2 new customers again.
I hadn't really thought about this before now but my business goal and my weight loss goal have at least one similarity, besides being mine; the number 2! Two has been a favorite number of mine for a long, long time! I like things in twos - it's balanced, even, symmetrical! I was born at 2:22 pm on the 20th day of the month.
My weight loss goal is 100 pounds lost in a year which breaks down to average almost 2 pounds per week.
My business goal wasn't exactly stated like that, like 100 customers added in a year; but if I want to meet the goal of being a senior director in six months then the rate of 2 customers per week would be a good rate to be able to achieve that goal.
So that's how I'm going to see each week for the next 51 weeks - or until the goals are met! :)
2 pounds of weight to lose each week!
2 new customers in my business to gain each week!
It's going to be a great week!!!
1 year,
52 weeks,
home-based business,
one year goals,
weight loss
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Best That I Can Do Now
When we say, "I'm doing my best!" what do we really mean? Today I asked someone if they were doing their best with something and in answer I got a blank stare like they weren't even sure what their best is.
"All My Earthly Best" is in my perspective what I want to do every single day. I want to know that whatever it is I've done or participated in was done, at least on my part, in the best possible way that I know of right now. As I am one to be concerned about the earth and how people in general care for it my efforts to do my best come from the deepest parts of me... deep down... at the core of my being... thus I see them as my "earthly" best.
For so many years of my life nothing was the best of anything! Quite the opposite was true! Now, those are the demons I battle, sometimes all day long and well into the night! For me now, losing one hundred pounds and building a successful home business are things that will help to reverse that standing... they are things that will make it so everything in my life is absolutely ALL MY EARTHLY BEST! It will so wonderful to see where we are in a year from now!
"All My Earthly Best" is in my perspective what I want to do every single day. I want to know that whatever it is I've done or participated in was done, at least on my part, in the best possible way that I know of right now. As I am one to be concerned about the earth and how people in general care for it my efforts to do my best come from the deepest parts of me... deep down... at the core of my being... thus I see them as my "earthly" best.
For so many years of my life nothing was the best of anything! Quite the opposite was true! Now, those are the demons I battle, sometimes all day long and well into the night! For me now, losing one hundred pounds and building a successful home business are things that will help to reverse that standing... they are things that will make it so everything in my life is absolutely ALL MY EARTHLY BEST! It will so wonderful to see where we are in a year from now!
Day 5 ~ Needs vs Wants
The phones were finally working - around 6pm tonight! :~/
Using only my cell for the last 36 or so hours really tested the battery power in it. I had to put it on the charger 3 times just to keep it going!
We've had numerous problems around here too... which kicked in my research tools. What do you do with a kid diagnosed with ADHD and ODD and possibly OCD (tho right now more docs are leaning to just the ODD getting worse) who is only 8 years old and is behaving in ways that alienate her peers as well as many others. She has no fear - no fear of falling off rooftops or cliffs, no fear of displeasing mom or other authorities, no fear of anything that could reasonably cause her harm or harm others. There are so many aspects to her "issues" that it's a challenge finding what will help!
Some of what I've found:
Kiddie QR and Life Matters for ways to deal with stress, especially in parenting!
Choose Your Way is another good site for dealing with stress.
The sad thing about this is that the things that seem to be most helpful are things we have to pay for out-of-pocket, which means we need money that we just don't have right now! :( I am so tired of struggling to not just makes ends meet (as that rarely happens) but just to make enough to handle everyone's needs! I'm not talking wants here! You may want an MP3 Player but you need a basic radio so you have something to keep current on the weather when the power's out. You may want Skechers Shape-Ups but you need a basic pair of running shoes. You may want top quality, organic, whole foods but you need basic, simple produce.
Seems like everything in my life is like that... just struggling to meet basic needs and never getting close to getting what I really want! I'm working at changing that, but something is still missing, something is still keeping me stuck at "basic" level.
Maybe someday!
Life Matters
Using only my cell for the last 36 or so hours really tested the battery power in it. I had to put it on the charger 3 times just to keep it going!
We've had numerous problems around here too... which kicked in my research tools. What do you do with a kid diagnosed with ADHD and ODD and possibly OCD (tho right now more docs are leaning to just the ODD getting worse) who is only 8 years old and is behaving in ways that alienate her peers as well as many others. She has no fear - no fear of falling off rooftops or cliffs, no fear of displeasing mom or other authorities, no fear of anything that could reasonably cause her harm or harm others. There are so many aspects to her "issues" that it's a challenge finding what will help!
Some of what I've found:
Kiddie QR and Life Matters for ways to deal with stress, especially in parenting!
Choose Your Way is another good site for dealing with stress.
The sad thing about this is that the things that seem to be most helpful are things we have to pay for out-of-pocket, which means we need money that we just don't have right now! :( I am so tired of struggling to not just makes ends meet (as that rarely happens) but just to make enough to handle everyone's needs! I'm not talking wants here! You may want an MP3 Player but you need a basic radio so you have something to keep current on the weather when the power's out. You may want Skechers Shape-Ups but you need a basic pair of running shoes. You may want top quality, organic, whole foods but you need basic, simple produce.
Seems like everything in my life is like that... just struggling to meet basic needs and never getting close to getting what I really want! I'm working at changing that, but something is still missing, something is still keeping me stuck at "basic" level.
Maybe someday!
Life Matters
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Day 4 - Candlelight Clue
Day 4 got off to a stormy start! A few tornadoes, several inches of rain, winds in every direction, some flooding, some power outages, lots of trees down, and assorted damages all around. Finally around 1:00 a.m. we could all sleep for a few hours!
The storms actually began in the middle of day 3 and continued in spells of a few hours at a time ~ wearing us all out!
One of the things we did to keep the kids' minds off of the fearsome show outside ~ after securing all our pets in various cages near us ~ was to play game after game of Clue by candlelight! Sure made for a lot of laughs as these old eyes missed seeing the board and the clues on it many times!
Today, with many errands and much clean-up to be done, yet we still managed to keep up with some of what was on the agenda. I didn't get as much done as my kids but I will have more time tomorrow. Maybe by then my phones will be working too! ;-) (Charter says they are aware of the problem and working on it - no estimate of when it will be fixed.)
The storms actually began in the middle of day 3 and continued in spells of a few hours at a time ~ wearing us all out!
One of the things we did to keep the kids' minds off of the fearsome show outside ~ after securing all our pets in various cages near us ~ was to play game after game of Clue by candlelight! Sure made for a lot of laughs as these old eyes missed seeing the board and the clues on it many times!
Today, with many errands and much clean-up to be done, yet we still managed to keep up with some of what was on the agenda. I didn't get as much done as my kids but I will have more time tomorrow. Maybe by then my phones will be working too! ;-) (Charter says they are aware of the problem and working on it - no estimate of when it will be fixed.)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Summer of Oh! Riley!!!
(this is a "lost" post from last summer...)
So tiny! So helpless!
The first few days of this tiny feline's life were vital... we searched for his mama, for other kittens, even for a surrogate mama... but in the end we all took turns feeding him round the clock! For the first 3 or 4 days it was every hour; then we stretched it to 2 hours, then 3, and 4 and eventually he grew strong enough to begin lapping milk from a dish and eating solid foods.
We were blessed that regardless of the many mistakes we must have made in trying to care for this little one as his own mama would have he still managed to thrive!
This last pic he was 9 weeks old and clearly doing very well. He's come a long way from the tiny 3 ounces when we found him to close to 4 pounds at this age! And just look how much he's grown... from being dwarfed by a mini-beani baby white tiger to well overtaking the regular size beani baby pony!
I'll have to find more recent pics to post - but this was our summer in 2009!
The summer of "Oh! Riley" began on June 1st this year. We were wrapping up a busy and active school year. My triplets had returned to homeschooling with this school year... their junior year in high school! My niece had started the year homeschooling 1st grade and was finishing up 2nd grade... and still eager to learn!
Our backyard was finally not frozen or soggy and various plants, grasses and weeds were beginning to turn green again. The kids were beginning to make things ready for planting this summer's garden. I do have to admit that I was not so enthusiastic about this as last year's garden did not work out too well for us. Everyone else was definitely wanting to give it another go!
On the afternoon of June 1st one of my daughters came running inside frantic about something she'd seen or heard in the garden area and absolutely insistant that I come out there right away! Questions about what this was were answered with phrases like, "I don't know" or "a baby" or "a kitten" or "a rat" or "a bat" or "something tiny" or "something noisy" or "something that needs help" or "it's stuck" or "can't touch it" and leaving me with no choice but to go out there myself.
At first glance I'm not sure what I'm looking at - but my daughter is clearly pointing at something. Then I see movement. It's small! It's tiny! It's gray! Seems to have a long tail...
...or something wrapped around a tall weed.
It is clearly stuck - unable to free itself from this plant that is easily ten times it's size! I send my daughter after a knife, some scissors, some heavy towel - an old one, or some other thick cloth of some kind. At this point, I still don't know what IT is. As she is fetching things I'm gently going in for a closer look, while glancing around for any clues.
My daughter returns with all that I asked and more - we now have a crowd and other family members want to know what's going on. What did she find?
So tiny! So helpless!
We were blessed that regardless of the many mistakes we must have made in trying to care for this little one as his own mama would have he still managed to thrive!
I'll have to find more recent pics to post - but this was our summer in 2009!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Goals - 365 days - 173 days - 51 days - 20 days
Goals - 365 days - 173 days - 51 days - 20 days!
The interesting thing about goals is that anyone can set them - anyone can say they are going to have "this goal" to shoot for. But, does anyone meet that goal? (Maybe) Does everyone? (Not at all!) Of course, a few do actually meet their goals. These people set a goal, keep it in mind, stay focused on it, and meet it on time! I want to be one of these people! :)
Today begins DAY ONE for me. Some will say I'm nuts; some will say I'm trying to do too much; some will say it's not possible. One or two people I know will say, "Go for it!" and/or "You can do it!" Those people I want to keep close to help me when I feel like what all the others have said is true!
This blog has at this point a small bunch of followers (mostly lurking, not letting others know they are following) that actually know me personally, in real life, not just online. Some day there will be more I'm sure but for now, to those few who stop to read I invite you to share with me a journey that goes beyond going green and getting healthy as it has been seen so far since I started this blog.
I am posting some goals for myself and will welcome your support to keep me on track with them. :)
365 day goal: to be 100+ pounds lighter! Huge goal (pun intended) for me and one I've had for a long time. Things keep getting in the way. :( Well, now I want that to change. I know what to do to lose the weight. I know how to do it safely, and so it will stay off after losing it. But I keep letting other things pull me away from doing the tasks I need to do to meet this goal. So, from this point on I need to remember to not allow that (feel free to remind me)!
(I will also be doing this one on my SPARKnEarthlyBest blog.)
WHY do I want this? Aside from the obvious fact of getting to a "normal" weight, I hope that losing 100+ pounds will improve my health, improve my mobility, improve my stamina, and even improve my battle with depression!
173 day goal: to be a Senior Director in my business! This is big too! The company has a plan they call Pacesetter that sets up your business goals to become a Senior Director within a year. My team also has a plan; it ups the pace; follow that plan and you could become a Senior Director in 6 months! Now, to add to that the company has just added an incentive to become a Director V (5) within my own Pacesetter time frame and they will give a bonus of $5,000! I am in my first month for all of these potential goals! 173 days is what I have left to achieve them! If I go for the Senior in Six plan I'll make Director V about halfway there (about 86 days)!
(I will also be doing this one on my EcoMomAndee blog!)
WHY do I want this? One, for the money, of course, LOL But two, and more importantly; achieving this success will release me from feeling dependent on others for the means to even have just a minimally simple life!
51 day goal: to have enrolled 20+ customers in my business! That's what I do! It's fairly simple - call people to set appointments for an overview of a healthier, safer, better way to shop and after they understand how it works then I enroll them so they can do it too! Together we make a difference now in our homes, our lives, and our environments!
(I will also be doing this one on my EcoMomAndee blog!)
WHY do I want this? 20 customers by this point will have me on track to meet the 173 day goal.
20 day goal: to have enrolled 10+ customers in my business! Same as 51 day goal but it's set to end at the end of July. I already have 2 customers so I just need 8 more in the next 20 days. :)
(I will also be doing this one on my EcoMomAndee blog!)
WHY do I want this? 10 customers puts me well on track to meeting my goals! Getting 10 every month right on through December will pretty much guarantee that I'll get to Senior Director by then.
Wondering why I'm putting all this out here in a blog?
Accountability for one! LOL
But also tracking and/or journaling the process or progress, lol.
Maybe it will help others in some way or inspire them to do the same! :)
The interesting thing about goals is that anyone can set them - anyone can say they are going to have "this goal" to shoot for. But, does anyone meet that goal? (Maybe) Does everyone? (Not at all!) Of course, a few do actually meet their goals. These people set a goal, keep it in mind, stay focused on it, and meet it on time! I want to be one of these people! :)
Today begins DAY ONE for me. Some will say I'm nuts; some will say I'm trying to do too much; some will say it's not possible. One or two people I know will say, "Go for it!" and/or "You can do it!" Those people I want to keep close to help me when I feel like what all the others have said is true!
This blog has at this point a small bunch of followers (mostly lurking, not letting others know they are following) that actually know me personally, in real life, not just online. Some day there will be more I'm sure but for now, to those few who stop to read I invite you to share with me a journey that goes beyond going green and getting healthy as it has been seen so far since I started this blog.
I am posting some goals for myself and will welcome your support to keep me on track with them. :)
365 day goal: to be 100+ pounds lighter! Huge goal (pun intended) for me and one I've had for a long time. Things keep getting in the way. :( Well, now I want that to change. I know what to do to lose the weight. I know how to do it safely, and so it will stay off after losing it. But I keep letting other things pull me away from doing the tasks I need to do to meet this goal. So, from this point on I need to remember to not allow that (feel free to remind me)!
(I will also be doing this one on my SPARKnEarthlyBest blog.)
WHY do I want this? Aside from the obvious fact of getting to a "normal" weight, I hope that losing 100+ pounds will improve my health, improve my mobility, improve my stamina, and even improve my battle with depression!
173 day goal: to be a Senior Director in my business! This is big too! The company has a plan they call Pacesetter that sets up your business goals to become a Senior Director within a year. My team also has a plan; it ups the pace; follow that plan and you could become a Senior Director in 6 months! Now, to add to that the company has just added an incentive to become a Director V (5) within my own Pacesetter time frame and they will give a bonus of $5,000! I am in my first month for all of these potential goals! 173 days is what I have left to achieve them! If I go for the Senior in Six plan I'll make Director V about halfway there (about 86 days)!
(I will also be doing this one on my EcoMomAndee blog!)
WHY do I want this? One, for the money, of course, LOL But two, and more importantly; achieving this success will release me from feeling dependent on others for the means to even have just a minimally simple life!
51 day goal: to have enrolled 20+ customers in my business! That's what I do! It's fairly simple - call people to set appointments for an overview of a healthier, safer, better way to shop and after they understand how it works then I enroll them so they can do it too! Together we make a difference now in our homes, our lives, and our environments!
(I will also be doing this one on my EcoMomAndee blog!)
WHY do I want this? 20 customers by this point will have me on track to meet the 173 day goal.
20 day goal: to have enrolled 10+ customers in my business! Same as 51 day goal but it's set to end at the end of July. I already have 2 customers so I just need 8 more in the next 20 days. :)
(I will also be doing this one on my EcoMomAndee blog!)
WHY do I want this? 10 customers puts me well on track to meeting my goals! Getting 10 every month right on through December will pretty much guarantee that I'll get to Senior Director by then.
Wondering why I'm putting all this out here in a blog?
Accountability for one! LOL
But also tracking and/or journaling the process or progress, lol.
Maybe it will help others in some way or inspire them to do the same! :)
green business,
home-based business,
lose weight,
work from home
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