Dear Readers,
When I began this blog back in March of 2008 I was in the very early stages of "greening" my life. Now, some 32 months later there have been many changes made in that effort but I still feel I should be doing more.
If money, or the cost of things, did not get in the way; and I could design my life, my home, my property, everything possible about my life in what I felt was the most green way to live, THIS is how it would be...
The house would be completely self-sustained. It would be built from all natural, local materials. It would have it's own water purification system as well as utilize all water in the most efficient and eco-friendly manner. It would generate it own power supply utilizing sustainable resources like sun, wind, water, etc. It would have a ventilation system in place that would keep the indoor air as pure as possible. Everything used within it would be natural materials, sustainable materials, and as comfortable as possible. All the things using power would be totally energy efficient.
Whatever form of transportation used would be the most energy efficient as well. While it might vary depending on the distance needed to be traveled it would be something that as much as possible we could provide for the energy source needed on our own. In no way would it cause any sort of harm to the environment or to me or my loved ones.
As for the property - the land, however much it is, I want to use as much as possible for edible landscaping. I want to select plants that not only look beautiful but provide some source of nutrition or nourishment for good health, be it from the leaves, roots, blossoms, fruits, etc. It will look like a beautiful garden with ponds and waterfalls and places to sit comfortably and just enjoy the natural beauty. Possibly there will be areas set aside for animals and their needs as well - but that can be determined later.
I want my entire home to be completely self-sustainable. I want it to be completely independent of utility companies, or community services of any kind. WE, the global entity of mankind, have the ability to create such homesteads. But right now, such places are affordable to a very few. I'd estimate 90-99% of people do not have the financial means to build or own such a sustainable homestead.
Just imagine if anyone that wanted it could do it. Imagine what this world might be like if all the homes were places we could just choose to live in and all that we needed was contained within that homestead. No need to pay a utility company for energy. No need to pay a city for water and sewer usage and garbage collection. Imagine no need to pay the grocer for our foods. (Right about now I imagine most readers are saying to themselves, 'yeah, right, and no jobs left for anyone either... because nobody is buying anything from them anymore.')
To those people I'd say, "YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT! You're not seeing the BIG picture. You won't need jobs! You can spend your days free to do what you want for most of the day."
I know that may seem crazy. But do you know the Bible actually promises that the day WILL COME that this would be so? In the book of Isaiah we're told about a time to come that will allow every man to own his place and provide for himself without owing another anything. Check it out in Isaiah the 65th chapter!
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