Yes, it's certainly been a long time since my last post! :)
My list of links is growing - so I may just create a post soon that puts them all in one place and then more slowly I will add some info about them. Sorry, there won't be any with this post.
This is just a huge update of all sorts of things.
First - the new kittens (born June 17th) and their mama got really sick in July and finally in mid-August (just before they would be 10 weeks old) we lost them all. It's been a hard blow for all of us as we worked so hard and put so much into caring for them in efforts to save them all. :(
Second - in the ever-changing lives of my kids we have been having one crisis after another with different kids. Of course, they are all adults now - but four still live with me - and just because they are legally adults doesn't mean they aren't still my kids. lol Cars breaking down; jobs changing - cutting hours, laying off, or just being challenging in new ways; searching for jobs - first jobs, new jobs, different jobs; new health challenges developing; old health challenges getting worse; all in all, it's the same ol' - same ol' - never really changing status of needing more money than we have to care for all the things that come up. It's not unlike a dog chasing it's tail - totally futile to attempt; but having done so, IF one should catch up then suddenly you find yourself getting bitten!
Third - we're into a decluttering mode - more now than ever. It began when my sister moved out - and it's taking on a whole new meaning after attending our district convention at the end of July and then our circuit assembly at the beginning of September! Now, it's not just get rid of things we're not using or haven't used in over a year; it's become get rid of things we don't really need. In other words, let's take a close look at every single thing in every single room of the house, including closets, porches, deck, garage and yard and let's see if we REALLY & TRULY NEED IT for survival. :)
This has become a huge project. One we hope to finish by the end of September. :)
I'm still working on building my business - and I'm still working on my weight loss goals - and like always I'll keep working on all these. I'm not one to give up!
This is the saga of my quest for a healthier life. For 15 years I shared much of this journey on SparkPeople. NOW it's time to bring all of it here! From all things safe & healthy to all the particulars in a life FULL of allergies, chronic ailments, and all sorts of other special needs ~ it's now here!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
It's been awhile
1 year,
Christian life,
earthly best,
frugal life,
going green,
home-based business,
weight loss,
work from home
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